Monday, 13 August 2012

Day 10 Vagabond Porto

Hey folks,

So today was a minor fail in terms of the travel, and a huge win for accomodations. I have not necessarily gelled as well as I have been lucky enough to in Lisbon and Lagos, and going with the flow has therefore been considerably tougher, since the goals of me and my roaming mates has been less compatible. Today Isa really wanted to go to some gardens we did not know much about, and so, barring other plans, I joined her, Taylor and the Irish boys for some wandering... and wander we did. We walked for around 2 hours to get there, which was quick slow and meandering, and then paid to get in. Not that this was not a beautiful spot, but it was not spectacular, and certainly should not have cost money... My consolation prize however was a yummy popsicle! I also insisted we take a bus back to the hostel, a move I am increasingly glad I undertook.

We got back to the hostel and hung out for a bit, while I watched the movie Traffic and tried to pretend I belonged in the Spot still... whilst really being a cheap person and declining to pay for a room. We all hit dinner, quite a long affair, and I made a few calls. While I hope to be pleasantly surprised by the internet situation in Kenya, I am not taking chances with missing what few moments of precious connection I may have left!

I was supposed to go down to the port again tonight for a big gathering/street party that was to take place, but discovered I was too tired to go. I hunkered down on a couch, avoided detection, and slipped away into sleep for a few hours instead... seriously vagabond and cheap of me, but who needs to spend 20 Euro when you can just doze on a couch? I am doing Europe very cheaply so far, and with travel included have not yet reached the 600 Euro mark on my budget... WIN!

I was lucky enough to meet 3 Americans who are on the same flight as me, and who also have connections in Madrid before which they must kill some time. My new allies and I are just now waiting for a cab to the airport, and before long should be ready to go... Let's all pray together now that Ryanair and I get along!

Off to Kenya it is guys, and I hope to update you soon. I have convinced myself it is the land of rainbows and unicorns, instead of kitten sized spiders, but these illusions shall fade soon, and I hope to hear the chorus of sympathetic "I told you so´s" ringing through the airwaves and wifi.

Lots of Love... off on my fantastic adventure!!

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